Showing posts with label ancient. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ancient. Show all posts

The progressive era of Udarata

Main characteristics of the epoch. Konappu Bandara’s (also known as Wijesundara Bandara) triumph over Udarata in 1592, immediately following the death of Yamasinghe Bandara who had received the kingdom under the patronage and the aid of the Portuguese was an event which marked a new era both in the history of the kingdom and the history of Sri Lanka as a whole. Only when the way in which history evolved is closely examined in...
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The origin of Anuradhapura as an organized city.

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The Anuradhapura city was created and developed as an organized city during the reign of king Pandukabhaya who was born to Deegagamini and Unmadhanie Chiththa. The king should be bestowed honor for his great service of building a city which came to be called Anuradhapura the reasons being the Anura Nekatha which was the chosen auspicious time to start the construction coupled with the fact that it was the residence for two important people...
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The nature of the foreign invasions during the Anuradhapura period.

Sri Lanka has met with foreign invasions in the Anuradhapura  kingdom which either resulted in the death of the native king or causing the ruler to withdraw from the capital seeking for refuge. However, both had equally disastrous outcomes such as the instability of the kingdom and the ill-fated condition of the Buddha Sasana in the face of foreign occupations. Besides the arrival of Vijaya in Sri Lanka, which cannot be entirely...
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The history of the annual Dalanda Perahara in Sri Lanka.

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The annual Dalanda Perahara (Esala Perahara) held in honor of the tooth relic of lord Buddha traces its origins back to the period of king kithsirimewan who was also known by the name of Kirthi Siri Meghawarna. He succeeded his father Mahasen to the Anuradhapura kingdom and can be fairly given credit to as the one who brought to light the areas kept in darkness by his father. His reign was of much significance especially due to...
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"Kalikala Sahitya Sarvagna Pandita", king Parakramabahu II of ancient Dambadeniya.

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Literature and education is not something distinctive for professional artists or writers. In this regard, the well-read, king Parakramabahu II of Dambadeniya is the best affirmation, who was bestowed the honorary title of "Kalikala Sahitya Sarvagna Pandita". Inevitably, the term ‘panditha’ implies that king Parakramabahu was well learned while the term ‘sahithya’ bring in to light his inclination to literature.  He succeeded...
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King Mahasen, an embodiment of both merit and demerit.

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Bad company leads anyone in the wrong path regardless of his or her position, gender, and age. It is common both to an ordinary man and even to a king. If it was a king who was led astray, it endangers a whole community. This is not something peculiar for Sri Lanka, even king Ajasath of India caused patricide following the instructions and guidance of Devadaththa, who despite being a bhikkhu had a growing hostility for king Bimbisara. Similarly,...
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"Mind of Virtue and an Ocean of Gems" - King Buddhadasa of Anuradhapura kingdom.

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It is worthwhile to throw some light on an ancient king of Sri Lanka, who is described as a "Mind of Virtue and an Ocean of Gems" in the Mahavamsa. Buddhadasa was a King of Anuradhapura, whose reign lasted from 341 to 370 AD. He was preceded by his father Jettha Tissa and was succeeded by his son Upatissa. King Buddhadasa is mentioned in the Mahavamsa as a house for compassion. His rule was marked by the philosophy of Dasarajadharma imposed...
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The invasion of Kalinga Magha and the fall of the Polonnaruwa kingdom.

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 It is commonplace that the disunity among the natives inevitably makes a state vulnerable, as it keeps them occupied in their internal struggles which has the result of drawing their attention from possible external conquests. A similar event occurred in ancient Sri Lanka, to be more specific, during the Polonnaruwa kingdom. Sri Lanka was marked by the Kalinga Magha invasion in 1215 AD which led to the fall of the Polonnaruwa kingdom...
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Ancient Ruhuna as a base for the resistance movements and as a place of refuge.

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Every action has a counter reaction which is equally strong and opposite. Similarly, in ancient Sri Lanka especially during the Anuradhapura kingdom Ruhuna remained to be the area from where counter reactions against the occupation of foreign invaders were much heard. Magama is known to be the capital of Ruhuna encompassing the present Thissamaharama territory. Ruhuna holds its importance not for a single reason. Conversely, Ruhuna took...
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The monarch as the cause for the success or failure of ancient Anuradhapura kingdom.

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The respective reigns of king Mahinda IV and Mahinda V who was also known by the name of Mihindu V are the best example as to how being a strong, and a considerate ruler can be resulted in the independence of the state and its prosperity while on the other hand, how being a fragile ruler with a backward conduct can lead the kingdom towards destruction and make an object of subordination to an outside power. In ancient Sri Lanka where...
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Viharamahadevi, a military woman, driven by patriotism.

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It is characteristic that someone who carries in to effect something which is hard to perform in general becomes an important individual in the history. The same holds true for queen Viharamahadevi to whom most scholars attribute the victory of the war campaign undertaken by Dutugamunu in his pursuit of freedom from the South Indian invasion. Viharamahadevi being the noble mother queen of her son made herself extraordinary on account...
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The heroic role of the Buddhist monastic community as the protector of both the monarch and the Buddha Sasana in ancient Sri Lanka.

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In ancient Sri Lanka, especially during the Anuradhapura kingdom period Buddhism formed an important portion of the responsibilities of the monarch. This is particularly due to inseparable connection maintained between the ruler and the Buddhist monastic community which has its roots back to the period of king Devanampiyathissa. It was the duty of the monarch to preserve Buddha Sasana under any circumstance. What was characteristic...
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A fair appreciation to the contribution of king Kavanthissa in the rescue mission of king Dutugamunu.

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History holds true both the successes and the failures of various attempts made by the rulers either to gain more power or to save the limited territory from the subordination to an external invader. By the very sense of the word, the war undertaken by Dutugamunu against the south Indian invader Elara can be fairly introduced as a rescue mission. More importantly this is due to two significant reasons which made Dutugamunu’s reign...
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Feminine role in politics and war in ancient monarchical Sri Lanka with special attention to Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa period.

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Though the roles ancient monarchs came to play in Sri Lankan history is a much discussed subject, an equal attention has not been paid to observe the role of their female counterparts. What is noteworthy in this regard is though infrequently, women have advanced to power more commonly owing to a critical political condition mostly followed by an assassination of a king, when the kingdom has fallen in to decline. However, while some...
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